Monday, August 9, 2010

Inspections Update

So we have had one home/pest inspection, and it was no surprise that there was a large list of repairs that would need to be taken care of before closing. So we had Blake (Lane's brother--general contractor) write up an estimate for his list, and a plumber write up an estimate for all the plumbing issues. Basically we had to let the bank/listing agent know what the estimates were for issues that should have been addressed before, and asked them to lower the price we would pay. They originally told us they would pay $2000 in repairs, so this time they came back saying they would just up that to $4000. So that's good news. We can probably get everything that needs to be done for about that much because of all the family/friend connections we have. However, this inspection was not the FHA inspection--which is the one we are more concerned about because that's what will get us our loan. That inspection is taking place this week, but there shouldn't be a list much longer than the one we already have, so hopefully we can get all that done and everything up to code by August 27th (closing date) with out going over budget!'s still not ours yet...but almost there!

In the meantime, our minds are going crazy with everything we want to do to the house. But it will be a month by month priority list, and I will have a hard time not wanting to just buy whatever matches to make it look great! **I guess we need to get the house first anyway**